Dram Shop Liability Lawyer

Protecting Your Rights When You’ve Been Hurt by a Drunk Driver

Handling Dram Shop Claims Against the Person or Place That Served the Alcohol

According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 30% of all motor vehicle accidents involve the use of alcohol by one of the drivers. Often, a person hurt in a wreck involving a drunk driver discovers that the at-fault party was either uninsured or underinsured. That’s because a significant number of drunk drivers are repeat offenders who either can’t afford proper insurance or choose not to carry it.

There’s good news, though. Most states (42 of 50) have laws, referred to as “dram shop” laws, that can establish liability against a server of alcohol when a drunk customer causes an accident. If you or someone you love has been hurt in a motor vehicle accident involving a drunk driver, we can help.

At Bailey & Galyen, we have more than 40 years of experience helping people pursue full and fair compensation for injuries suffered because of someone else’s negligence or wrongful act. We have a broad knowledge and understanding of dram shop laws, and we know how to help you seek damages from a person or business that wrongfully served alcohol to an intoxicated person. We provide a free initial consultation to anyone who has been hurt or suffered any loss in a drunk driving accident. For an appointment, contact Bailey & Galyen online or call us at 844-402-2992.

What Is a Dram Shop Law?

A dram shop law makes a person or business liable if they serve alcohol to a patron and that person’s intoxication subsequently causes an accident or injury. Dram shop laws vary from state to state, but they typically identify the situations when a server or establishment (such as a bar, club, restaurant, liquor store, or convenience store) is responsible for injuries or losses caused by an intoxicated person. The term “dram shop” comes from the measurement historically used when serving alcohol—a dram is approximately 1/16th of an ounce.

How Do Dram Shop Laws Work?

Dram shop laws generally apply in two different situations:

  • Where the person who caused the accident was intoxicated at the time they were served—Most states set the standard at “visibly” intoxicated, though Texas uses the term “obviously” intoxicated.
  • Where the person who caused the accident was a minor—As a general rule, it’s the responsibility of the server to determine whether the person being served is a legal adult.

Dram shop laws establish civil liability, not criminal responsibility. Accordingly, dram shop laws allow an injured person to recover compensation from the business or alcohol server for any losses caused by the intoxicated person.

The Aggressive Dram Shop Accident Attorneys at Bailey & Galyen

At the Law Offices of Bailey and Galyen, we have fought for the rights of injured people in Texas and nationwide for decades, including people injured by drunk drivers. Over the past 40+ years, we have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for victims of personal injury.

When you hire us to protect your rights after a drunk driving accident, we will carefully investigate the facts and circumstances of your case, gathering and preserving all evidence to support your claim. We’ll prepare and file all pleadings and other documents required to help you seek full and fair compensation for your losses. We will also be strong advocates for you in any meetings, settlement negotiations, hearings, and proceedings.

We will aggressively seek compensation for all your losses, including:

  • Wages and income
  • Unreimbursed medical expenses
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship or consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Let Bailey & Galyen Protect Your Rights When You’ve Been Injured by a Drunk Driver

Were you hurt in a wreck involving a person who was under the influence of alcohol? If so, you may have a dram shop claim to recover compensation for your injuries and losses. We can help. For a free initial consultation, contact Bailey & Galyen online or call our offices at 844-402-2992. You can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Evening and weekend appointments can be scheduled upon request. Se habla español.

We handle all drunk-driving dram shop claims on a contingency basis. We’ll only charge you attorney fees if we recover monetary compensation for your losses.