Are You Disabled and Unable to Work?
If you suffer from a disabling disease or injury, and are unable to consistently sustain gainful employment, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The Texas Social Security disability lawyers of Bailey & Galyen can provide you with the legal assistance you need to fight for your Social Security disability benefits. Contact the firm for further information and assistance. We offer a free* initial consultation to get you started in your application process.
Have You Been Denied Social Security Disability Benefits?
If you have been denied Social Security disability benefits, don't despair. Help is available at Bailey & Galyen. Most Social Security disability claims are denied initially, and only succeed on appeal, with the assistance of an attorney. In addition to providing a free initial consultation, if we take your case, the legal fees are deferred until you receive your award.
Nationwide Social Security Disability Benefits Can Be Difficult to Obtain
Social Security disability benefits can be extremely difficult to obtain. Clients who have been fairly easily and quickly approved for workers' compensation are often shocked and dismayed when their Social Security disability claims are denied. The difference between the two programs has to do, at least in part, with the length of time that an individual is expected to receive benefits from the programs.
With a workers' compensation claim, the individual claimant expects to receive benefits for a short period of time. While it is fairly easy to get on the program, it is also easy to be removed from the program.
Conversely, while Social Security disability benefits are more difficult to obtain. There is an expectation that they will continue indefinitely. It is also more difficult to be removed from the program once approved.
Finally, Social Security disability claimants frequently lack the necessary documentation to establish their claims. Contact the Texas Social Security disability lawyers at Bailey & Galyen to learn more about how to successfully apply for Social Security disability benefits.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
There are two forms of Social Security Disability Insurance administered through the United States Social Security Administration:
Social Security Disability Insurance, (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI is available to individuals who have worked and paid FICA taxes. Contact the Texas SSDI attorneys at Bailey & Galyen for answers to your questions about applying for SSDI benefits.
Supplement Security Income (SSI)
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is primarily for people who lack significant resources to provide for their support. Not surprisingly, many people who are ill and unable to work fall into the SSI category because they are unable to work due to illness or injury.
If you have questions about the application process, or if your claim for SSI benefits has been denied, contact the attorneys at Bailey & Galyen by calling 844-402-3900 for further information and assistance.